Prof Blumenfeld has completed MD from the Hebrew university and Hadassah med school in Jerusalem in 1973. Residency in Ob.Gyn- Rambam Med Ctr in Haifa. Fellowship in reproductive endocrinology at UCSF, 1983-85. He is associate Prof at the Technion- Israel Institute of Technology, and director of women health ctr, Meuhedeth med services, Haifa, Israel. Editor in chief of Clin. Med. Insight-Reprod Health, and on the editorial board of JCEM, Fert & Steril., Euro J. Ob Gyn Reprod Biol, and 18 additional peer reviewed journals and has published 218 papers in peer reviewed journals. His main interest: fertility preservation, ART/IVF, POI/POF, PCOS, AMH/Inhibin/Activin.